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Domestic Abuse Information and Support Services

AWebsite or contact detailsServices Offered
AAFDA – Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abusehttps://aafda.org.uk/what-we-do Help with Domestic Homicide Reviews, Inquests, Mental Health Reviews, Listening and advice 
Advance https://www.advancecharity.org.uk/Domestic abuse, criminal justice, young women and girls services
AGE UKhttps://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/health-wellbeing/relationships-family/protection-from-abuse/domestic-abuse/   Information on domestic abuse, what it looks like and peoples stories.

Advice: 020 8696 0023
Office: 020 8677 9920
Email: admin@ashaprojects.org.uk

Advice & Refuge placements for South Asian women threatened with or experiencing domestic and / or sexual violence, has recourse to public funds, is 18 years and over. 
Ashianahttps://www.ashiana.org.uk/ Advice and Advocacy, Counselling Support, Professional Training, Immigration Advice & Advocacy, Support Groups and Outreach, Youth and Community Services.
Ask for ANIhttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/ask-for-ani-domestic-abuse-codeword-information-for-pharmaciesAsk for ANI (Action Needed Immediately) is a codeword scheme that enables victims of domestic abuse to discreetly ask for immediate help in participating pharmacies and Jobcentres (Jobs and Benefits Offices in Northern Ireland).
BWebsiteServices Offered
Breathing Space (AVA)https://www.breathingspace-ava.org.uk/ Online tool to support victims of domestic abuse. It is a 24 hour helpline and is run by AVA (Against Violence and Abuse).
Bright Sky Apphttps://www.hestia.org/brightsky Bright Sky is a safe, easy to use app and website that provides practical support and information on how to respond to domestic abuse. It is for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else. Bright Sky helps you to spot the signs of abuse, know how to respond, and help someone find a safe route to support.
Broken Riteshttps://www.brokenrites.org/ Broken Rites is an international group offering mutual support and information to separated and divorced spouses and partners of clergy and recognised ministers.
CWebsiteServices Offered
Childlinehttps://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/our-services/childline/Our Childline service gives children and young people a voice when no one else is listening. Whatever problems or dangers they face, we give them somewhere to turn to for support when they need it. Call Free on 0800 1111
Children Heard & Seenhttps://childrenheardandseen.co.uk/Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families who are impacted by parental imprisonment. 
Courageous Projecthttps://www.wgn.org.uk/young-womens-services/courageus-project Support for Black and minoritised young women. This includes those from ethnic minority groups, LGBT+ and disabled young women.
CLINKShttps://www.clinks.org/directoryAn online database listing hundreds of voluntary and community organisations working with people in the criminal justice system.
DWebsiteServices Offered
The Death Health Charity – Signhealthhttps://signhealth.org.uk/Services to support Deaf people in leading independent, safe and healthy lives, including support with Domestic Abuse
Domestic Violence Intervention Projecthttps://dvip.org/services-for-men-women/mens-services/Any man who wants to end his abusive behaviour towards his partner or ex-partner. Men of any age, background, race and religion are welcome.
EWebsiteServices Offered
FWebsiteServices Offered
FGM – NSPCChttps://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/female-genital-mutilation-fgm/Female genital mutilation (FGM) is illegal. NSPCC offer support and advice to help keep children and young people safe from FGM.
Forwardhttps://www.forwarduk.org.uk/ African women-led women’s rights organisation working to end violence against women and girls, FGM & Child Marriage 
Forced Marriage Unithttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/forced-marriage#how-the-forced-marriage-unit-can-help The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) is a joint Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Home Office unit which leads on the government’s forced marriage policy, outreach and casework. It operates both inside the UK (where support is provided to any individual) and overseas (where consular assistance is provided to British nationals, including dual nationals).
For Baby’s Sake https://www.forbabyssake.org.uk/Breaking the cycle of domestic abuse and giving babies the best start. We welcome approaches and referrals from midwives, local authority and other multi-agency professionals, or parents themselves, in areas covered by our local teams or more widely through For Baby’s Sake CONNECT (online service only for Lewisham residents)
Freedom Project – Dog’s Trusthttps://www.dogstrust.org.uk/how-we-help/freedom-projectThe Freedom Project is a dog fostering service for people fleeing domestic abuse.
GWebsiteServices Offered
GALOPhttps://galop.org.uk/Supporting LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse or violence
HWebsiteServices Offered
Halo Projecthttps://www.haloproject.org.uk/

Domestic and Sexual Abuse, Honour-Based Violence, Forced Marriage, FGM, We provide safeguarding and culturally appropriate confidential advice, help and support to Black and Minoritised Women and girls who are at risk of and/or are survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse. This includes searching for safe accommodation, outreach support, safety planning and ongoing support to those at risk of harm and abuse.

Our Specialist Safeguarding Support Hub not only provides tailored advocacy to victims and survivors of abuse, we also provide expert support to professionals for enhanced safeguarding and better outcomes for victim and survivors. 

HM Government Legal Advicehttps://find-legal-advice.justice.gov.uk/Search for a legal adviser or family mediator with a legal aid contract in England and Wales.
HM Government Get support as a victim of crimehttps://www.gov.uk/get-support-as-a-victim-of-crime 
HM Government Support for Victims receiving unwanted contacthttps://www.gov.uk/get-support-as-a-victim-of-crimea service for victims to contact HMPPS to report unwanted letters, phone calls, texts or messages from a prisoner
Hot Peach Pageshttps://www.hotpeachpages.net/ Abuse information and support for every woman and every girl on Earth.
Hollie Guard Apphttps://hollieguard.com/Help protect yourself, a friend or a family member with Hollie Guard. Every 5 seconds the platform will update your precise location based on your speed and movement activity to identify where you are once an alert has been raised. HollieGuard is a personal alarm, deterrent, evidence catcher and more. Providing a lot more functionality than a regular keyring alarm for absolutely anyone who has safety in mind.
Hourglasshttps://www.wearehourglass.org/abuseHourglass helpline, we work for safer ageing and a fairer society. Support for older people who are being abused. Help with financial, sexual, psychological, physical & domestic abuse and neglect. 
IWebsiteServices Offered
Iranian & Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisationhttps://ikwro.org.uk/Safeguarding and empowering women against “honour” based abuse.
IMECE Women’s Centrehttps://imece.org.uk/services/vawg/ We deliver woman-centred, holistic, linguistic and culturally sensitive support to Turkish, Kurdish, Cypriot Turkish and other Turkish speaking women as well as Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic and Refuge women, aged 16 and over,  with no recourse to public funds experiencing immigration, language, emotional and physical wellbeing barriers and with limited knowledge and experience of the UK cultural norms and criminal justice system.  including: financial and emotional abuse, stalking, harassment, rape and other sexual abuse, harmful practices (namely forced marriage, so-called ‘honour-based’ violence and FGM), as well as trafficking for sexual exploitation and prostitution.
IMKAANhttps://www.imkaan.org.uk/The only UK-based, umbrella women’s organisation dedicated to addressing violence against Black and Minoritised women and girls i.e. women which are defined in policy terms as Black and ‘Minority Ethnic’ (BME).
Jewish Women’s Aidhttps://www.jwa.org.uk/For Jewish women and children affected by domestic and sexual violence. providing information advice and support.
KWebsiteServices Offered
Karma Nirvanahttps://karmanirvana.org.uk/ Established in 1993 as the first specialist charity for victims and survivors. We are committed to ending Honour Based Abuse in the UK.
Kooth – Apphttps://www.kooth.com/Online mental wellbeing community
LWebsiteServices Offered
Lewisham Refugee & Migrant Networkhttps://www.lrmn.org.uk/ Services that help people from migrant, refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to rebuild their lives – such as gardening sessions and English language classes.When times are tough, we make sure to support people through it. We help people meet their basic needs – such as providing food, hardship funds and more, Confidential immigration, housing and welfare benefits advice to people from refugee, asylum seeker and migrant backgrounds living in Lewisham and neighbouring boroughs, Advice, Wellbeing  (including counselling and emotional support), Women Together Group
Legal Adcive – Gov.UKhttps://find-legal-advice.justice.gov.uk/You can search for a legal aid solicitor. Search for a legal adviser or family mediator.
Loving Mehttps://www.lovingme.uk/ We provide high quality support by trained specialists who understand the specific needs of the trans community as well as abuse and are a by-and-for service. The service is user-led which means that we provide support based on what the individual would like or needs 
MWebsiteServices Offered
Mankind https://mankind.org.uk/Our confidential helpline is available for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK as well as their friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues and employers.
Male Survivors Partnershiphttps://malesurvivor.co.uk/support-for-male-survivors/directory-of-services/Male survivors partnership providing a directory of services. For information and advice across the UK.
Muslim Women’s Networkhttps://www.mwnuk.co.uk/Supporting Muslim women and girls on key issues affecting them and use the information to improve their rights.
NWebsiteServices Offered
NSPCChttps://www.nspcc.org.uk/Supporting families with information and support on topics around keeping their child safe
WebsiteServices Offered
One in Four https://oneinfour.org.uk/At One in Four, we specialise in supporting childhood survivors and current survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, abuse and trauma and raising awareness of this challenging issue.
Operation Compasshttps://www.operationencompass.org/teachers-helplineThe helpline is for school staff to seek guidance and discuss a child experiencing domestic abuse.
PWebsiteServices Offered
Paladinhttps://www.paladinservice.co.uk/An organisation aiming to  assist high risk victims of stalking in England and Wales, keeping victims and children safe.
PEGShttps://www.pegsupport.co.uk/PEGS is a social enterprise set up to support parents, carers and guardians who are experiencing Child to Parent Abuse (including those with adult offspring). We don’t directly work with the child displaying the behaviours but have a network of partners whose expertise lies in this area. 
Project 17https://www.project17.org.uk/Project 17 works to end destitution among migrant families with no recourse to public funds. We work with families experiencing exceptional poverty to improve their access to local authority support. 
WebsiteServices Offered
Quaggy Counsellinghttps://quaggydevelopmenttrust.org/counselling-service/Quaggy Community Counselling Service (QCCS) provides low-cost, individual counselling to adults (18 years+) in Greenwich and Lewisham. Fees are means tested, starting at £2 per session for those who are not working. 
QWELLhttps://www.qwell.io/Qwell is a free, safe and anonymous mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK
RWebsiteServices Offered
Rape Crisishttps://rapecrisis.org.uk/ for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has been affected by rape, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment or any other form of sexual violence – at any point in their life
Rail to Refugehttps://www.womensaid.org.uk/what-we-do/supporting-our-members/rail-to-refuge/providing free rail travel to refuge accommodation for women, men and children fleeing domestic abuse
RASAC (Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre) https://www.rasasc.org.uk/Counselling, Advocacy & Support Line
Refugehttps://refuge.org.uk/ Supporting those who have experienced abuse, mainly support women and children, but our community services also extend to men. Support is individual to each person and can include refuge, emotional, benefits, legal and tech support.
Resolutionhttps://resolution.org.uk/find-a-law-professional/Resolution members sign up to our Code of Practice committing to a non-confrontational approach to help you resolve your family issue.
Respect Men’s Advice Linehttps://mensadviceline.org.uk/The Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.
Respecthttps://www.respect.uk.net/Respect is a pioneering UK membership organisation in the domestic abuse sector. We lead on the development of safe, effective work with perpetrators, male victims, and young people using violence in their close relationships.
Restoredhttps://www.restored-uk.org/A network of churches standing against domestic abuse, shining a light in the darkness, providing a place of safety for survivors.
Revenge Porn Helplinehttps://revengepornhelpline.org.uk/UK service supporting adults (aged 18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as, revenge porn
Rights of Womenhttps://rightsofwomen.org.uk/Women’s charity working in a number of ways to help women through the law.
Services aim to provide women with the legal advice and information they need to understand and use the law and their legal rights. We also work to improve the law for women and increase women’s access to justice.
SWebsiteServices Offered
Safelinehttps://safeline.org.uk/Safeline is a specialist sexual violence and abuse charity led by the needs of its clients. Free, specialist trauma-informed support to people who have experienced any form of sexual violence, at any time in their lives, including those who support them.
Support for children at risk and their families to help prevent child sexual abuse
Safety4Sistershttps://www.safety4sisters.org/If you are a woman experiencing abuse and you have no recourse to public funds then Safety4Sisters is able to talk to you about your options. You may think there is no way to leave if you are dependent on your partner’s immigration status, if you have no recourse to public funds or if you have no money. This is not the case, so please do get in touch. 
Saheli https://www.saheli.org.uk/Saheli (meaning friend) is a charity making a big difference in the local community, providing safe spaces, culturally sensitive support, language assistance, and a voice and identity to Black Asian and minortised  women facing violence in their lives.
SAWNhttps://sawn.org.uk/We support Black African women in our community to help them thrive and become independent and confident individuals. Providing events to make women independent, self-sustaining, and key players in matters that concern them.
Sexual Assault Centreshttps://www.nhs.uk/service-search/other-health-services/rape-and-sexual-assault-referral-centrescentres providing medical, practical and emotional support to all victims of sexual assault.
Signhealth – the Deaf Health Charityhttps://signhealth.org.uk/with-deaf-people/domestic-abuse/The majority of our 150 staff are Deaf people. Together we are working to improve health and wellbeing for everyone.
Sistah Spacehttps://www.sistahspace.org/Supporting African & Caribbean
Heritage Women Affected by Domestic & Sexual Abuse
Southall Black Sistershttps://southallblacksisters.org.uk/ helpline, advocacy for those in boroighs adjacent to Ealing
National Stalking Helplinehttps://www.suzylamplugh.org/Pages/Category/national-stalking-helplineHelpline and self-referral for those who are or suspect that thay are being stalked. Including cyber-stalking, legal advice pages too.  
Stay Safe East https://www.staysafe-east.org.uk/Stay Safe East is run by and for disabled people. We provide advocacy and support services to survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, harassment and other forms of abuse. We serve communities in London  
Surviving Economic Abusehttps://survivingeconomicabuse.org/One in six women in the UK has experienced economic abuse by a current or former partner. Economic abuse rarely happens in isolation; it normally happens alongside other forms of domestic abuse.
Survivors UKhttps://www.survivorsuk.org/#section-1We are here for any man, boy or non-binary person who has ever experienced unwanted sexual activity (such as words, images or touch). We can chat with you here through webchat, or by texting
TWebsiteServices Offered
The Outside Projecthttps://lgbtiqoutside.org/London’s LGBTIQ+ Community Shelter, Centre and Domestic Abuse Refuge
The Havenshttps://www.thehavens.org.uk/how-we-can-help/We’re here to help you if you’ve been raped or sexually assaulted in the past 12 months. . If you have been sexually assaulted in the last seven days and would like advice about forensic examination or about reporting to the police please call us on 020 3299 6900.
You can call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for an initial assessment.
When we need to see you urgently, such as for a forensic medical examination (FME), we aim to see you within 90 minutes. We offer an appointment based service for forensic medical examinations. If you have been sexually assaulted in the last seven days and would like advice about forensic examination or about reporting to the police please call us on 020 3299 6900. Please do not walk in to our service as we will be unable to see you.
If you would like advice about support following sexual assault that took place over seven days ago please call us on 020 3299 1599.
We also offer follow-up care, including counselling, tests and treatments.
Turn2Ushttps://www.turn2us.org.uk/Find the Benefits Calculator; Grants Search; details about Turn2us’ direct grant-giving funds; and links to other sources of information and help https://www.turn2us.org.uk/Get-Support
VWebsiteServices Offered
Victim Supporthttps://www.victimsupport.org.uk/ Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents.
WWebsiteServices Offered
Women’s Aidhttps://www.womensaid.org.uk/ Find a local service, or connect to services in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Find refuges and domestic abuse services in your area in England. Contact details for Scottish Women’s Aid, Welsh Women’s Aid and Women’s Aid Federation of Northern Ireland are also available.
Women’s & Girls Networkhttps://www.wgn.org.uk/We are a free service run by women, for women in London who have been affected by all forms of violence and abuse.
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