
Welcome to theย Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



Parenting Support

Parenting sometimes involves more work than pleasure. Although very rewarding, you are responsible for your children until they become adults. As most parents agree, taking care of a child and his or her many, many needs can often be physically and emotionally exhausting. Sometimes a bit of extra support is welcome.

On this page you will find access to parenting programme information, and a range of links to websites and organisations that can help you with the daily challenges of just being a parent.

Early Years Alliance deliver a range of Therapeutic Parenting Programmes support parents to meet their childโ€™s needs and improve behaviour. Our range of group and 1:1 sessions support parents to build a more positive relationship with their child and help them to understand their behaviour. ย We work with parents who are concerned their child may have ADHD, or behaviours that make places and spaces unsafe to be in, or cause serious harm to themselves and others ย for children with:ย 

  • serious, high risk or distressing behaviours
  • conduct disorders
  • oppositional defiance disorder
  • and where ADHD is suspected or diagnosed

These programmes include:

  • Incredible Years (IY) is aย 12-week group programme for parents of children aged 4-11 years delivered both online and in person. IY is delivered face-to-face termly over 12 weeks, often within a school setting to be targeted at the young people who the school identify as needing support. Spaces are offered to families outside of the school cohort as well. IY works with one or both parents to enable positive outcomes for the child/young person.
  • Therapeutic Parenting Support (TPP)ย is a 6-week group programme for parents of children aged 4-11 years supporting parents to build a more positive relationship with their child.ย 
  • Personalised Individual Parent Training (PIPT) is an intensive 6-week 1-1 programme for parents of children aged 4-8 years.ย  This programme works with the child/young person as well as one or both parents. It is designed to use the IY strategies to promote a positive relationship between the child/young person and the parent by reducing the oppositional/emotional dysregulation behaviour and increasing pro-social behaviour and compliance.
  • Guided Self-Help (GSH) is a 6-week 1-1in-depth support working with one or both ย parents and works on themed extracts from IY to fit the individual needs of the child/young person.
  • Incredible Years Autism & Language Delay Parenting Programme

    Starting: Tuesday 25th February 2025 10am – 12 noon

    The Camelot Centre, 50 Meliot Road, SE6 1RY


    Parents of children with Autism face a multitude of uncertainties, ranging from navigating social situations to managing sensory sensitivities and addressing communication barriers. Each day can bring unique hurdles, requiring parents to adapt and learn alongside their children.

    This 14โ€“16 session programme is offered to parents of young children (aged 4-9) on the Autism spectrum or with language delays, and will help to improve

    • Social skills
    • Emotional regulation
    • Behaviour and anger management
    • Parental stress, depression, and anxiety
  • Systemic Family Practiceย support is also now available. Systemic Family Therapy focuses on the whole family unit rather than an individual. Considering generational, community and cultural factors and sensitive to gender, ethnicity and social context, the systemic approach takes the spotlight away from the child or young personโ€™ โ€˜havingโ€™ or being โ€˜ the problemโ€™ and locates the discussion within the whole family system.

โ€˜Parents and their young people benefit from a bespoke and flexible service with an opportunity to explore their parenting and how it affects family life. Parents have identified family scripts, gained insights into how their children feel and react to them and reconnected with their care giving. The level of depth that is reached through the therapy enables deep change and makes changes sustainable. Family members identify the change they see, and it is embeddedโ€™.

Parents and professionals: For further information on our programmes, ย or to enquire about our upcoming courses pleaseย email ย Lewisham.Secure@eyalliance.org.uk

Professional refer using this downloadable referral form: please complete fully and email to Lewisham.Secure@eyalliance.org.uk

Blogs and Videos

Read our blog posts from our Parenting Therapists


A range of other parenting programmes are available in Lewisham, such as Triple P, Triple P for Babies, EPEC and NVR.

For details of these and other parenting programmes running in Lewisham see the Family Hubs website.


Early Years Alliance offer parents variousย free online sessions and coursesย โ€”ย all delivered by professional early years experts โ€”ย to help youย support your child’s development.ย 

We are currently offering our courses for free, thanks to support from the Department for Education:

Family Connect online sessionsย โ€” Family Connectsย are one-off online events that provide an opportunity to connect with other parents and carers via Zoom and learn about topics relevant to families and children aged 0-5. The sessions are a chance toย share ideas in how to support childrenโ€™s early education and each other.ย 

Confident communicators to tiny talkersย โ€”ย These three-week programmesย take place on a rolling monthly basis. The programme offers a personal approach to family learning andย will help you better understand how children like to learn. By taking part in a variety of fun activities together, the sessions will help improve communication between you and your child. Plus, you’ll have the chance to learn in small groups and meet and connect with other families online.

Being Together, My Baby and Meย โ€” Aย freeย online virtual three-week programme especially designed for families with babies.ย This online programme combines advice on babyโ€™s learning and development with post-natal support for new parents.

Bumps to Babies: supporting learning through pregnancy and beyondย โ€” Aย one-hour session where we will discuss why the first 1001 days from conception to 2 years are so important and share ideas about how you can start to support your babies learning during pregnancy.

For further information, visit our Family Corner website: https://www.familycorner.co.uk/


Early Years Allianceย Family Time Tipsย offer fun, practical tips and advice to promote childrenโ€™s learning and development. Activities have been chosenย to ensure they positively support your child as they learn through play. Simply browse the different categories for ideas for fun with your family!



Information on different types of childcare, what ย to look for and how to find it in Lewisham:




Early Years Alliance is one of the partners supporting BBC TINY HAPPY PEOPLE, a free online resource supporting parents to develop the language and communication skills of their children aged 0-4. They promote a simple message: talk with children as early as possible, they also have a range of information on parenting topics and child development.

A quick guide to the Tiny Happy People website.

Other useful links to help with the daily challenges of being a parent:

For information on keeping your child safe and healthy, and on safety in the home:

There are a range of helpful articles and advice to help with the challenges of being a parent and keeping children safe and well on the NSPCC website: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/support-for-parents/

Health Visitors are registered nurses or midwives with a specialist qualification in public health. They work with families who have children between the ages of 0 and five. ย For details about how your health visitor can support you , and a wide range of useful articles and information go to https://myhv.lgt.nhs.uk/

Visit the excellentย Families Under Pressure Websiteย and watch some short videos about keeping positive and ย limiting conflict.

Mindful Mums offers award-winning, free wellbeing groups that help pregnant women and new parents look after their mental and emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and their babyโ€™s first year. For more information: https://selmind.org.uk/mindful-mums/

For families with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), visit our SEND Page.

If you need support with your wellbeing, visit our WELLBEING PAGE.

Help for single parents: https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/

Parenting and mental health: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/parenting-and-mental-health/

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