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Hassle Free Shopping


Even the most patient of parents can find that shopping trips become a real battleground with young children, especially when youโ€™re pressed for time or tired. A hungry crying baby and a misbehaving toddler can easily leave us feeling stressed, frustrated and embarrassed. Unhelpful comments or looks from bystanders often mean we abandon the trip all together, and just the thought of a shopping trip brings us out in a cold sweat! But there are some small things that you can learn to make shopping trips an enjoyable activity for the whole family.

During this session you will get the chance to chat with other parents, discuss the issues that you are facing and hear the difficulties they are experiencing too. Together, weโ€™ll look at some of the things that can effect childrenโ€™s behaviour, how we can try and avoid some of the common โ€˜parent trapsโ€™ and look at the role that planning can play in avoiding stress for everyone. By choosing the best simple positive parenting strategies for you and your child you will develop a step by step personal shopping plan for you and your family. Before you know it a trip to the shops can become much more fun for everyone.

Come and join us for our next session via ZOOM on

Tuesday 16th November 1.00pm-2.30pm

book via booking form or text or leave a message on: 07377 724243



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