Here is a round up of Local and National Organisations that provide support and advice for families with children with Special Educational Needs.
Drumbeat is a special school for children and young people with autism. Drumbeat is more than a school. It is a service that takes a lead across Lewisham for providing advice and support to schools and families on Autism and their website has some great ideas for activities and learning for children with ASD.
Drumbeat Outreach Activity Page
Drumbeat also have a new Facebook Page with activities and songs
Website link – The National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society has the latest guidance and handy tips for autistic people and families during this time of uncertainty.
Signal are a parent support group for autistic children and their families in the borough of Lewisham, South East London, UK. Established by parents, and run by parents for parents, they’ve been going since 1993. From the original 20 families we have swelled to over 200, and now also include some schools and professionals as members too. They also have a very active Facebook page.
Contact provides support, advice and information for families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability. They provide information on a wide range of issues affecting families with a disabled child. They will support you with information on special education needs, finance and welfare and transition for 14 – 25 year olds in the borough. They also offer support to professionals working with families who have a disabled child.
Mencap is the leading voice of learning disability. Everything they do is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers. Their vision is a world where people with a learning disability are valued equally, listened to and included. There is also online group support here
Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (known as IPSEA) is a registered charity (number 327691) operating in England. IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They also provide training on the SEND legal framework to parents and carers, professionals and other organisations.
(SEND) information for parents can often be hard to find or difficult to access. To help parents and carers they have bought together some useful national information on key topics. Browse the categories to find out more about a particular topic or visit our main SEND page for more details on your local Family Action SEND service and information more specific to your region.
Family Action provide a listening ear, answer particular parenting questions or help with guidance around more complex issues. All support takes place via telephone, text message or email and is free.
- 0808 802 6666
- Text: 07537 404 282
Website link – Special Needs Jungle
Special Needs Jungle has huge amounts of information about topics relevant to parents or carers of those with SEND.
SEND Blogs
Sometimes life can be tough, sometimes, hilarious and sometimes uplifting but it’s not always easy to talk to friends and family about our daily lives – especially at 3 o’clock in the morning! Parent blogs can be a great way of connecting with communities that experience daily life in a way that you do too. Here is a link to a list of SEND parent blogs.