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oral health

Oral Health Q&A with Kings College Hospital – June 2023

The Kings College Hospital Oral Health Promotion team will be hosting a Q and A session via Zoom for parents and carers on: Wednesday 14th June at 7.30pm https://lewisham-gov-uk.zoom.us/j/82637929602?pwd=bU9ZcWlhZ2hEY3VHWjJBL2cxU2VIdz09 Thursday 15th June at 2.00pm https://lewisham-gov-uk.zoom.us/j/86455649450?pwd=eWx6NnNYcHJ3UzBsWFpyYjg3cHdHZz09 Join them for a friendly and interactive session on how to look after your child’s teeth.   ย  ย 

Oral Health Q&A with Kings College Hospital – June 2023 Read More ยป

20th March is World Oral Health Day – Looking after your Childโ€™s Teeth

Although oral health is improving in England, the oral health survey of 5 year olds in 2019 showed thatย just under a quarter have tooth decay (see the National Dental Epidemiology Programme for England, 2019). Each child with tooth decay will have on average 3 to 4 teeth affected. The risk of tooth decay increases as

20th March is World Oral Health Day – Looking after your Childโ€™s Teeth Read More ยป

Oral Health & Weaning

We have two online sessions coming up on Oral Health and Introducing Solid foods to your baby. During these sessions we will be sharing with youย tips and information about caring for babies teeth, and introducing solid foods.ย  Aย babiesย firstย teeth may be smallย and temporary, but they’re important, asย they act as placeholders forย theirย adultย teeth.ย Without a healthy set of baby

Oral Health & Weaning

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