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#30 Days Wild with the Wildlife Trust

June is this year’s 30 Days Wild month.

This year we have all learnt about the physical and mental health benefits of being outside. The Wildlife Trust’s 30 Days Wild encourages us and our families to get out and explore our local area (or even just our garden) and find out more about nature. We are lucky to have lots of parks in Lewisham, it could be fun to find a new park to explore or why not visit one of Lewisham’s Nature Reserves?

The Wildlife Trust have lots of fun activities for children all all ages and lots of packs and information sheets to record what you see, hear and find. It’s a great activity for half term. There’s lots more activities here

and you can download your parents pack here.


Download the Wallchart

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Download the Activity Book ย 


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Download the Nature Table


There’s lots more activities hereย such as making a bug hotel, your own binoculars, a bird feeder and how to identify moths.




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