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How can Family Navigators support Lewisham families?

Recently we interviewed Lou from the Family Hubs team to find out more about Family Hubs and how the new Family Navigators can support families in Lewisham.

Hi Lou, thank you are meeting with us, can you tell us your name and job role?

Lou Neville-Ball, Family Hub Manager

Some of our families might have seen in Lewisham Life magazine that Clyde Family Hub has launched recently, can you briefly tell us what a Family Hub is?

A Family Hub is a โ€˜one stop shopโ€™ for families where a range of services and support is available under one roof. Family Hubs are physical places where families can pop along to connect with other families through our Stay and Play sessions and receive advice, guidance, and support on all areas of need that they might be experiencing. Family Hubs aim to provide families with the opportunity to get support at the earliest opportunity and in a quick and seamless way. We hope that Family Hubs will reduce families having to retell their stories to various professionals and we hope that they will provide a warm, welcoming, and safe place to connect, laugh, play and thrive!

The Clyde Family Hub timetable is now available [link] and one of the services advertised is support from a Family Navigator, can you tell us what a Family Navigator is?

A Family Navigator is based within a Family Hub and provides support, advice and guidance to families on a range of different topics. The role of a Family Navigator is to connect families with support from a range of different services located within a Family Hub and within the community by wrapping support around them. The Family Navigator will work with you and your family to help you find the right support for you.

What kind of things can they support families with?

The Family Navigator offers free, confidential, and non-judgmental support. They can help with:

  • Signposting to local support services in the community
  • Lending a listening ear!
  • Bonding with your baby
  • Accessing childcare
  • Form filling
  • Much, much more!

So, who are the Family Navigators and where are they based?

Kashmir Thethi โ€“ Bellingham Family Hub

Amanda Harper โ€“ Downderry Family Hub

Keniece Ming โ€“ Clyde Family Hub

Mari Korhonen โ€“ Honor Oak Family Hub โ€“ (yet to be launched)

Does it matter where you live, can you speak to a Navigator from any area?

We will aim to connect you with your Family Navigator based in your area, but once you are registered to a Family Hub then you can access all Family Hubs in the borough!

Are they all available even though not all Family Hubs are up and running yet?

Yes, all Family Navigators are available to provide support, information and advice despite not all Hubs being officially launched.

And how do families contact a Family Navigator?

Families can contact a Family Navigator by calling 020 8314 9545 or if a Family Navigator is available you can speak to them in one of the Family Hubs. We have also developed a sign-up sheet that families can complete in order to speak with a Family Navigator: https://forms.office.com/e/m32BC0HRYs

After a family has an appointment with a Family Navigator, what happens next?

The Family Navigator will contact you one week after the appointment to see how things are going and explore whether any other support might be needed. After one week, a final appointment will be offered four weeks after the initial appointment to discuss how things are going and see whether any additional support might be available.

Can our professional colleagues in Lewisham refer families to a Family Navigator?

Yes. Professionals can complete the sign-up sheet above as long the family have consented to their information being shared, or they can simply encourage the family to pop into a Family Hub.

What difference will Family Navigators make to Lewisham families?

We hope that the Family Navigators will help make accessing support much faster and simpler for Lewisham families.

For more information

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