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National Week of Play – Events for Families

Play is often described as a “universal language” – but what does this mean in practice? How can we ensure that play in the early years fosters and supports a sense of positivity and inclusivity, regardless of age, gender, or background?

This year’s National Week of Play, which will run from 19 June to 25 June, will focus on how play can help us build positive connections and break down barriers, whether cultural, generational, societal or otherwise.

From examining different approaches to play from around the world to exploring play for all ages, this year’s event is all about celebrating the unifying nature of play. All providers and parents are welcome to join this year’s event and can sign up here for free to receive a range of free resources, materials, blogs and activity ideas.

At a time when the world can often seem so divided, we hope that this year’s event will serve as a timely reminder that play is one thing that is always, and without exception, for everyone.


Family Connect: playing together – connecting with your child

ONLINE: Tuesday, 20th Jun 2023 10:00am – 11:00am

Asian mother, black father and mixed race daughter laughing and having fun building a tower with coloured blocks

Feeling connected with people that are special to them helps children to grow and develop. Join us for this Connect session as we explore how these connections and attachments are formed in childhood and discuss why this is so important to children’s play. We’ll share easy and fun play activities that you can do together with your children at home that will continue to strengthen these special bonds.

Book your place here


All aboard the Boogie Mites Pirate Adventure music workshop

ONLINE: Friday, 23rd Jun 2023 10:00am – 11:00am

Female Asian teacher and children dressed up with pirate hats and pirate headscarves having fun in a yellow room.

Boogie Mites Pirate Terrific Tasha will start with an alliteration name play game, before singing and clapping along to the Pirate Hello Song. You will sing and dance to The Big Ship Sails, meet Captain Jake, Jones the First Mate and Jim the Cabin Boy in Ship Ahoy! You will tap pirate words, playing with the rhythm/syllables of words in Let’s Tap A Pirate Word, and finish with a counting song as you encourage the island teddies to joint the pirate teddies on the ship, joining in with the chorus Swim Me Hearties, as you swim to the ship!

Please have the following pirate kit ready:

  • Two sticks for each child ( wooden spoons or cardboard tubes will do)
  • Cardboard tube (telescope)
  • Banadana (any fabric strip will do)
  • Selection of soft toys/teddies/items to be pirates ( or the children can be the pirates if in a setting)

Book your place here


Sign up here for free to receive a range of free resources, materials, blogs and activity ideas.


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