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Triple P for Baby course

What is Triple P for Baby?

Triple P for Baby programme aims to prepare parents for a positive transition to parenthood and the first year with baby, promoting sensitive and responsive care in the perinatal period.

Parents actively participate in a range of exercises to learn strategies to develop a positive relationship with their baby, promote their baby’s development and help teach their baby new skills and behaviours

Our 6 week Triple P for Baby course supports your transition into parenthood and is suitable for expectant parents and those with a baby under 1.

Join us to find out more about:

  • Practical skills that promote sensitive and responsive care.
  • Techniques that help you support your child’s development.
  • How new parenthood can change your relationships.

To enquire or book your place please email: enquiries@lewishamcfc.org.uk or call 07377 724243


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