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national week of play

National Week of Play 2024

Childhood serves a purpose; it isn’t something to “get through” or speed up. It’s there to protect developing minds. To nurture young souls. So, let’s give our kids the space to be unbusy. Let’s unschedule. Let’s “miss out”. Let’s hold the space for childhood. Because childhood isn’t a dress rehearsal for adulthood. —Tracy Gillett We all

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Play and nature

Friederich Froebel was a pioneering educator who invented kindergarten. He emphasised that children should experience all aspects of nature, not just plants and animals. One of the best ways children can experience nature, he argued, is through their play outdoors in the garden and in the wider natural environment. Through real life experiences, children learn

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Fiddly Fingers

Activities to help develop fine motor skills for the under fives So much of what we do each day relies on our fine motor skills. A baby clumsily grabbing for your necklace, a toddler learning to drink with a straw, or a pre-schooler starting to write their name are all putting their fine motor skills

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