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National Week of Play 2024

Childhood serves a purpose; it isn’t something to “get through” or speed up. It’s there to protect developing minds. To nurture young souls. So, let’s give our kids the space to be unbusy. Let’s unschedule. Let’s “miss out”. Let’s hold the space for childhood. Because childhood isn’t a dress rehearsal for adulthood. —Tracy Gillett We all […]

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Triple P for Baby course

What is Triple P for Baby? Triple P for Baby programme aims to prepare parents for a positive transition to parenthood and the first year with baby, promoting sensitive and responsive care in the perinatal period. Parents actively participate in a range of exercises to learn strategies to develop a positive relationship with their baby,

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Top Tips For Sharing

Learning to share is an important part of your child’s development but it can be a complex thing for them to learn. It requires lots of social skills such as understanding how someone else feels, wanting to please someone else and understanding that your toy will come back to you. If you have more than

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Triple P Discussion Groups – resolutions to commonly encountered parenting problems

What is a Triple P Discussion Group P DISCUSSION GROUP? Triple P Discussion Groups are online and face to face workshops for parents or carers of children aged 18 months- 8 years. The Triple P Discussion Groups include a series of 4 themed stand alone 2 hour workshops, where parents have discussions to look for

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